The Zurmang Kagyud Buddhist Centre
Fund Raising for the acquisition of Zurmang Kagyud Buddhist Centre [Charity No. 91/6287]
The Zurmang Kagyud Buddhist Centre was first established in Hong Kong in 2004. The purpose of our present fund-raising is to enable the Centre to have its own permanent home in Hong Kong. We need your kind and generous support.
For Buddhists, it is of the greatest importance to have a place where the Buddha’s teachings may be disseminated and believers may gather together in prayer and meditation. Such a Centre will also encourage more people to practice Buddhism. The Lord Buddha always taught the importance of tolerance, respect for others and love of our neighbours. Whether or not you are a Buddhist believer, I hope and urge you to donate generously. Hopefully, the Centre will become an oasis of calm in our very frantic and busy community.
You can be totally assured that almost every dollar that is raised will go towards the Centre’s establishment. Happily, we face minimal administrative expenses and all members of the fund-raising committee are contributing their time and services free of charge. Each of us has also made our own individual financial contribution towards the Centre. It is a most noble and worthy cause and I hope you will be generous when making a donation.
The Zurmang Kagyud Buddhist Centre is a registered charity, which means that many of you will find that your donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for your contributions.
Or Direct Deposit to Standard Chartered Bank HKD Savings Account No.: 36811280183
Contributions over HKD100 are tax deductible. Please email cheque/deposit slip’s copy to